• 1 Where can I get more product information?

    On the product page, you can read all the product information (e.g. product size, warranty duration, manufacturer name, etc.) under "Product details" and "Specifications".

    2 Why do I see Gold, Silver and Bronze badges on some products?

    All sellers on Tamilnadu Shopping are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they are meeting high standards of operational performance. Every month a few sellers are selected through a stringent process and awarded the Gold, Silver or Bronze badges. They are monitored on the basis of their delivery speed and cancellation rates among other factors.

    Look out for these badges to identify the top sellers for an effortless shopping experience.

    3 Why does the price of the products on Tamilnadu Shopping website fluctuate through time?

    As Tamilnadu Shopping is a marketplace platform, we do not control product prices. Sellers review and change the prices from time to time basing on their discretion. Price changes may also happen when a promotional offer ends.

    4 What are Export products?

    India products are not meant for local use in Tamilnadu. They are sourced by local/Otherstate sellers from indian suppliers.

    The main differences are as follows:

    Firmware differences - There might be differences in firmware as compared to a local set which may result in compatibility issues with use in Tamiln Nadu Safety Mark for power socket items - The product may not carry the necessary safety marks as required in Tamil Nadu Warranty - The warranty period may be shorter than that for local products or Tamilandu Prodect. Customers may be required to ship the product OtherState at their own cost to claim the Indian warranty.

    IDA Compliance - The product may not be tested by IDA.

    Instruction Guide - Manual/be in a English.

    5 Why do I see different prices for the same product?

    There could be sellers offering you the same product but at a different price. That is the nature of Tamilnadu Shopping marketplace, where different sellers compete for your order.

    6 How do I know if a product is available to purchase?

    Choose the product you want and go to its product page. The right side of the product page will mention "Available".

    7 Can I Sell alcoholic beverages on Tamilnadu Shopping?

    No, you can Not Sellon Tamilnadu Shopping's marketplace.

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